Year: 2020
Area: 120 sq. m.
Location: Brussels, Belgium



Year: 2020
Area: 120 sq. m.
Location: Brussels, Belgium

For this project, our inspiration was life. Life, in every manifestation.

An apartment in the heart of Brussels was designed for a modern young family. You step into – and all the noise of the outside world ceases to exist, at the same time this space has everything that is necessary for modern life. In the design of spaces, we adhere to the principle of the German architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe "the less is more".

The living room of the apartment combined with the kitchen and dining room. Modern design methods make it possible to hide all kitchen utensils and leave only a hint of household affairs. They are hiding here, in one of the walls, made of compacted soil with the help of a unique technology that people used in the days of Trypillia.

Courage "lives" here. The strictness and minimalism of this interior are softened by the sofa by Nendo. Its rounded corners add “femininity” and home comfort. The contrast to the sofa is a large wooden table, at which the family gathers every evening to share news of the day.

A bedroom is a place where you are not afraid to be real. Terracotta color has the same philosophy: at the same time sharp, accent, but also warm. Live minimalism is not about the white walls and lack of furniture, it is about the modern understanding of the traditional and native without excess.

